Getting goods through customs is not always easy and often causes stress for business owners as Customs and Border Protection has the right to examine any shipments imported into the United States, and the one importing the goods is required to pay for those cargo exams. However avoiding customs issues does not have to be hard and can be done a little research, expert help, and careful planning. RM Customhouse Brokers can help ensure your venture through customs isn’t too difficult.
Hire a Customs Broker to Avoid Customs Issues
There are many facets needed in order to avoid customs issues. Therefore, it is best to hire a professional. Otherwise, your shipment may be delayed or turned away and your business will suffer. If you choose to go it alone, be sure your paperwork is complete and correct, as simple paperwork mistakes are the cause of problems. Additionally, be sure that you accurately and completely describe each item included in the shipment. If not, suspicions may be raised and undeclared items are not dealt with kindly.
Another thing a customs broker can help you with is your Import Security Filing. It needs to arrive at the dock at least 24 hours prior to loading your international cargo onto a vessel or customs issues can ensue. Be advised that loading can occur days before sailing. Therefore, it is vital to think ahead and be prepared.
Before your shipment arrives, U.S. Customs and Border Protection needs to know your product’s classification under the U.S. Harmonized Tariff System, as this lets officials know that your product can legally cross the border. It also lets them know what shipping duty to assess. Experienced customs brokers will ensure you have the right code so that you avoid customs issues. Additionally, your goods will have to be certified and there are three different types of certificates you may need in order to prove that your product meets safety standards through the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. A customs broker can assist with this step.
How to Choose a Customs Broker
In order to avoid customs issues, it is best to choose a customs broker who is part of the Transportation Security Administration’s Known Shipper program and the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism. Both of these make the company a known quantity when customs officials review its shipments and show that they comply with stiff regulations in order to ensure their shipments are secure.
If your business is in the El Paso area and in need of help avoiding customs issues, contact RM Customhouse Brokers. They have been getting goods across the border safely and accurately since 2001.