Getting a Customs Clearance for Your Goods
Although there is no legal requirement for importers to hire a customs broker for the clearance of goods coming into the United States, many opt to do so for the convenience. A customs broker in El Paso is licensed by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection to conduct CBP business on behalf of their importers. They take the burden of filling out paperwork and obtaining a CBP bond off the hands of their clients.
It is important to note that the importer will always remain ultimately responsible for acquiring an understanding of the CBP requirements and for ensuring the importation process complies with all federal rules and regulations. With the professional oversight of a customs broker in El Paso, your business can avoid making costly mistakes in the importing and exporting process. You can familiarize yourself with this process by visiting the website: , which offers an overview of what is involved.
In the event that your goods are being imported via an express courier, then the courier automatically utilizes Customs Brokers to clear your goods on your behalf. If you have any concerns about their charges for this service, please contact the courier company directly.
Hiring a customs broker for clearance of your goods into the country can eliminate crucial time delays that so often occur when you undertake the process of transferring goods internationally alone. Avoid these mistakes and many others by conducting business with an experienced and knowledgeable Customs and Border Protection agency.
If you are interested and would like to know more about our services as a premier customs broker in El Paso, then feel free to contact Rudolph Miles Customhouse Brokers Inc. today at (915) 778-1216 or please stop by our office located at 301 N. Concepcion.