If you need a place to work on raw materials that are being shipped into the US without having to pay for their entry into the country, then you should look into securing a customs warehouse. It is a building or other secured area in which imported dutiable merchandise may be stored, manipulated, or undergo manufacturing operations without payment of duty for up to five years from the date of importation. The customs warehouse owner is responsible for the merchandise under a warehouse bond. This liability is usually cancelled when the merchandise is exported, withdrawn for supplies, destroyed, or withdrawn for use within the United States. If you need a reliable customs warehouse in El Paso, RM Customhouse is here to help.
Different Types of Customs Warehouses
There are currently 11 different types of customs warehouses. The first one is owned or leased by the Government and used for examination by CBP, under seizure, or pending final release from CBP custody. Merchandise will be stored in such premises only at CBP direction and will be held under “general order”.
There are also importers private customs warehouses that are used exclusively for the storage of merchandise that belongs to or is consigned to the proprietor and public bonded warehouses that are used exclusively for the storage of imported merchandise. In addition, if you ship liquids or animals, then you should look into bonded yards or sheds. They are used for the storage of heavy and bulky imported merchandise and include stables, feeding pens, corrals, and other similar buildings for the storage of imported animals. They also store tanks of imported liquid merchandise in bulk and grain is stored in bonded bins or parts of buildings or elevators before it enters the US.
Bonded Customs Warehouses
Bonded customs warehouses export objects that are made of imported materials and for goods that are subject to taxation. This includes the manufacture of cigars made of tobacco imported from one country, as well as for smelting and refining imported metal-bearing materials. It can also be used for the cleaning, sorting, repacking, or otherwise changing the condition of, imported merchandise, under CBP supervision, and at the expense of the proprietor.
There are also bonded customs warehouses that are known as duty-free stores. These are used to sell tax-free merchandise that is owned or sold by the proprietor. They then delivers them to an airport or other exit point for exportation. Additionally, some bonded customs warehouses are used for international travel merchandise and goods sold duty-free aboard aircraft. Finally, there are the bonded customs warehouses established for the storage of any merchandise not claimed or entered for 15 days after arrival in the U.S.
If you are in the El Paso area and have a need for a customs warehouse, contact RM Customhouse Brokers, Inc.