Who Needs a Customs Bond?
Discover who needs a customs bond for importing goods, why it’s essential for U.S. customs clearance, and how it helps ensure a smooth import process.
A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Public Warehousing Provider
Public warehousing can streamline your exporting processes. Read to learn more.
What You Need to Know About Customs Clearance
If your profession involves importing and exporting goods from the United States, it’s important to know what customs clearance is. Customs clearance is a complicated, time-sensitive process that you can do on your own or hire a professional customs broker to handle on your behalf. Hiring a professional is often easier, safer, and faster than […]
Custom Brokers and The Import and Export History with Mexico
We have a unique relationship with our southern neighbor. Our border totals 1,954 miles and traverses different terrain, including deserts, urban areas, cities, and more. The two countries also share a lot of business and workers that travel back and forth across borders. Our exports to Mexico have changed over the course of the last […]
An Overview of U.S Trade Relationship with Another World Power
The United States has a complicated and drawn out history with countries like China. We have heard a lot of talk in recent years about this relationship and what that means for us and our economy. There are also a lot of talks to change it and projections as to how the 2020 virus might […]
A Look at International Markets During a Difficult Time
It’s a difficult reality to escape. Everything has become focused on it. No matter where you turn the coronavirus has likely had an impact. It’s changed people’s perspective on any number of things from health, to the economy, to how they look at their local officials. There is a lot of talk about what is […]
Customs Clearance and Why It’s Important For Imports and Exports
The United States is the third-largest exporter in the world. Today, the biggest export from the U.S is Refined Petroleum. Every good, however, must go through customs and undergo inspection and regulations before it is able to be sent abroad for selling. Exported goods must comply with these customs regulations and meet certain requirements in […]
The Advantages of a Private Customs Warehouse
When it comes to the importing and exporting of goods, to or from El Paso, security is key. Even more so, private customs warehouses are a great way to ensure handlers treat their goods carefully and thoroughly. Many companies on the border outsource to this type of warehousing. Here are some advantages of using a private customs warehouses. […]